Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Crazy Family

Well, It's Kit here and I am going to be sharing my opinions on my CRAZY FAMILY!!! 

First there is Oliviah. There are not very many words to describe her except for SPAZ. She wont shut up no matter how much you scream at her and she is a total ding bat. She is crazy about ballet. She goes to practice 4 days a week and wants to become a "Prima Ballerina" Honestly, I don't know how that will happen because she is a KLUTZ! If she cant even make it down the hallway with out tripping, how can she manege to dance on stage? 

Next, there is Molly. She is nothing but a braniac and a smarty pants. Seriously, report card day is a disaster if she doesn't get AT LEAST a 3.999 grade point average. That has only happend once and she had to settle for a 3.994. She cried for 3 days straight. Molly does horse back riding and she love she loves the outdoors. She is very fun to hang out with and we go on picnics together a lot! 

Last there is Madisynn. And tom boy is HER GAME. She loves soccer and pretty much anything that involves mud. ugh, mud... slimy and nasty. Altough, Madisynn and I go on runs together around the nieghborhood a lot. she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet! 

Hope you guys have a nice day and tune into ocm8productions's next video coming soon:D

~Kit A. Kittredge

Welcome Kit!!

Hi my name is Kitrina Auna Kittredge. but you can just call me Kit! Raven got me at the American Girl Store in Seattle with her money. I am her first historical doll, second AG doll, I have blonde hair, aquamarine eyes and a face full of freckles! I just LOVE the outfit I came in because, the sandals are so cute! They are a white and just so beautiful! I also come in a flower skirt and a purple sweater. Now, why don't I tell you a little bit about my self.

  1. I am a TOTAL girly girl! I love the colors yellow, pink, purple, light blue, and lime green. Oh! I can't forget orange! I basically like ALL THE COLORS IN THE RAINBOW! I love to wear skirts, dresses and fancy shoes! 
  2. I am in the school's track program. I dabble in gymnastics but track is my favorite sport. Despite my girly girl looks, I am the one of the fastest on my team. Besides my SUPER fast cousin Emerson. She shattered all the school records. She is a legend.
  3. I am the only doll with freckles, only doll with light hair, only doll with no bangs and only doll with blue eyes! I am also the only historical, so I am pretty unique! 

Make sure to go watch ocm8productions, so you can see me in a futre video! 

Just to let you know, all the things Oliviah told you guys about turning me into a second Oliviah.... well..... lets just say, I am smarter than that:)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Our Feelings about Kit

You guys may have heard about us getting Kit this weekend. Here are our feelings about it

Madisynn: I think that Kit will be very fun and I think she will be a good sister. And Kit is a girly girl so I'll be the only tom boy in the house, but I can still go and hang out with Audrey, the tom boy from Rockstar13studios. I am a little nervous on how we are going to compromise with simple things like what color to paint the living room (Green or pink) and which channel to watch on TV (football or Dance Moms) But I still think that it will be fun hanging out with Kit, even though she is a girly girl and I am a tom boy. 
PS Kit and I are both legit AG dolls  so we will have lots to talk about

~Madisynn B. Mathews

Oliviah: Kit is going to be a great sister and my best friend because I read all her books and she sounds like a GREAT person. I think Kit and I will get along well because we are both super duper girly girls and we both LOVE animals. We are also sharing a room, you may have read about that in our last post, but Molly is is moving into Madisynn's room and Kit will be sleeping on the bottom bunk in my room on the bunk beds. I got sooooo excited, last night about Kit coming tommorow, so I made a banner that says "Welcom Home Kit!" 
You may have noticed that we have forgotten the "e" at the end of "Welcome" Yeah..... I was writing a little too fast and found out that I forgot the "e" but oh well! I don't think Kit will mind. 




~Oliviah J. Bennett

Molly: Even I am getting a new sister, I am worried that I will be forgotten because Raven JUST GOT Madisynn and she barely pays attention to me now with only 3 18inch dolls. What will happen with 4? But on the bright side, I will teach Kit how to ride horses, how to do somersaults under the water and the swimming pool . But, overall, I think that Kit and I will have a very good sister relationship. It is going to be a new adventure having a new sister in the house.
PS Oliviah was sooooooo excited last night, that she was making such a racket on the floor down below that I didn't get any sleep last night. But Madisynn is a heavy sleeper. Not even an earthquake could wake her up. 

~Molly L.S. McIntyre

Cassie: I share the same feeling with Molly because I dont get played with. And when Kit comes, she wont play with me AT ALL. I am wondering if Raven still loves me. What did I do, to make her not want to dress me in my PJs or play with me. I remember the day when I frist arrived at Raven's house. I was so happy that I finally found a home, then I was shoved in the corner. But I think that having Kit, I will be able to play with her and It will be a fun so I guess that makes me a little happier.

~Cassidie H. Madares 

Kiwi: Well, I was Raven's first EVER baby doll. And I cant believe that Raven is getting more dolls. I am not good enough? She NEVER touches me any more and that makes me REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY sad. :( So that is my feelings about getting Kit. I guess it will be fun playing with them but Raven needs to love the dolls she already has. 

~Kiwi M. Blanchard 

Binki: My name is Binkibella (You can call me Binki) and I am in charge of all the party preparations. We are going to have a party for when kit and Rockstar13studios's doll Audrey comes. It is going to be awesome!! :D
Here are some of the party decorations on my list!
  • Banner
  • Flowers
  • Balloons
  • Ribbons
  • Streamers
  • Hearts
  • "Kit" names around the house

~Binkibella S. White

Lilah: Oh no. Here comes ANOTHER girly girl!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!!!!!????? I AM DOOMED TO THE SCARY PITS OF FOREVER GIRLY GIRLNESS. UGH!!! MADISYNN IS THE ONLY OTHER TOM BOY AND WHY CANT RAVEN GET A TOM BOY!!!! UGH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WHY?????? I am sorta a girl girl, but tom boy is my game. Peace peeps! 
PS My real name is Lilahani and I HATE IT!! So PLEASE call me Lilah

~Lilah S. Hoppkins

Riley:  When Kit comes. I am going to me giving her make overs A LOT. That is all I have to say.......

~Repunzel (Riley) J. Lovat

Monday, June 17, 2013

Guess what????







I am coming to Seattle but I have to stay at the hotel along with my other sisters Riley and Molly and my cousins Eloise and Tessa. We have all been to the American Girl Store before. So, that means, Emerson from Rockstar13studios is going in the store with my sister Madisynn. 

Why am I excited you may ask?





AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! A new sister! I am sooooooooooo excited! Kit and I are going to be sharing a room and we are going to have soooo much fun together! 

~Oliviah J. Bennett

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Behind the Scenes Channel!!!

It is Madisynn here and we have a behind the scenes channel! We will be posting videos on "the making of our summer movie LOST TWINS" and tips and tricks, and more! So go check out ocm88productions!!! (It is linked on the top on our main channel) Thanks!

~Madisynn B. Mathews

~ocm8productions~ An AGTube Channel

Welcome to ocm8productions! We are just a few dolls, who make videos for all of you to enjoy! Thank you to all our subscribers and i hope you guys enjoy our blog and YouTube. You will read posts from Molly McIntyre, Oliviah Bennett, Madisynn Mathews, Kit Kittredge and the newest addition to the family, April O'Neil