Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sharing a Room?

When mom told us that we were getting Kit, 
Molly was like "Wa Hoo! New sister!" 
Oliviah was like "AHHHHHHHH KIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And I was like "........."
Didn't mom just get me? It seems like she is replacing me. It hasn't been 5 months and now she wants ANOTHER doll. and to top it off, I am going to have to be sharing a room with her! UGH!! I can't believe that mom is making me do this! I just hope that she doesn't touch everything. Like my guitar! I bet she  is going to walk in and be like- "OMG! GUITAR! I AM GOING TO PLAY IT AND BREAK IT!" I an serious! If she even gets 5 feet from my guitar I am going to go all out on her. 
I don't like were this is going. I can tell all ready that this new sister is going to be nothing but trouble. 

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~ocm8productions~ An AGTube Channel

Welcome to ocm8productions! We are just a few dolls, who make videos for all of you to enjoy! Thank you to all our subscribers and i hope you guys enjoy our blog and YouTube. You will read posts from Molly McIntyre, Oliviah Bennett, Madisynn Mathews, Kit Kittredge and the newest addition to the family, April O'Neil