Sunday, January 27, 2013

I write my own words!

Hey guys, it is ocm8productions. As you all may know, I am very little and I do not know how to spell many words.  (on the computer) So I tell my older sister what to write. Here is me writing words on my own!

fox do cat key can

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, January 26, 2013



Drum roll please..........

KIT KITRIDIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are going to the American Girl Place in Seattle this summer and mom is saving up money to get Kit! I am so excited!

~Molly McIntyre

Big Movie Idea?

Hey guys! It is Raven. I have been thinking about filming a big movie! I can't decide between a couple things:

  1. Three sisters are left home alone. Then zombies enter the house and kidnap one of the sisters
  2. Two friends go on a camping trip and they get lost
  3. A girl  goes to babysit her little cousin and a ghost is haunting them
Comment below and tell me which one  you think I should do!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ballet Recital!!

Hi guys! I love ballet and, there is a really mean girl in my class who always destroys my concentration! When ever I go- time after time after time, she will never leave me alone! She can get really annoying. Last night at the recital, when I was spinning she pushed me and I when spiraling across the stage. I stumbled and fell. Then every one laughed. To make it worse, when we got home, mom said that I needed to stop goofing off. I tried to tell her that it wasn't my fault, but she said that I need to "Except irresponsibility"  Mom's Mom ALWAYS says that and it gets really annoying!
I had a terrible ballet experience last night and I sure hope you other ballerinas out there had a much better night.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I got a new doll!

I got JLY # 13 (Brown hair, Bangs, Brown eyes- My look-a-like) from my Nana and Poppop for Christmas!  I named her Madison Jennifer Blakely.
You can learn more about Madison my visiting "The Sisters" page on my blog.

She will be posting in orange- it is her favorite color:D

~ocm8productions~ An AGTube Channel

Welcome to ocm8productions! We are just a few dolls, who make videos for all of you to enjoy! Thank you to all our subscribers and i hope you guys enjoy our blog and YouTube. You will read posts from Molly McIntyre, Oliviah Bennett, Madisynn Mathews, Kit Kittredge and the newest addition to the family, April O'Neil