Saturday, November 22, 2014


Hello fellow bloggers! I would like to say sorry for not posting on this blog for so long! I just wanted to tell you guys that we are planning on making a Christmas stop motion for our YouTube ocm8productions. Its gonna be really cute! I hope you guys like it!

Monday, June 16, 2014

New Video Being Filmed!

ocm8productions is filming a new video! Its about Madisynn and April going on a bike ride, the April's chain fell off her bike so she called Madisynn over to fix it. Then Madisynn parks her bike and goes to help April but then the bike starts rolling down the hill! Madisynn runs after the bike and- 

we can't tell you, you will just have to watch the video to find out!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fashion Design is my Thing

I have been designing a fashion line and so far, it has been really hard. I made so many necklaces and earrings and skirts and dresses. I need to get a certain amount of orders in and I only have until the 10th of March which is in two days! I really wold like to take a day off and go to the mall or the spa but I simple have no time! In fact, I am wasting time typing this blog post! But I think it would be good for you guys to know what is going on. So here's the deal. Look at all these oders I have to get in:

Blue lilac dress: 58 orders

Black leather shoes: 39 Orders

Tribal print shirt: 290 Orders

Heart Diamond earrings: 400 Orders

Green floral Skirt: 292 Orders

Black sparkle skinny jeans: 499 Orders

And that is just what I have gotten so far as in that's only my first round of orders!
So after I finish my first round of orders, I have to finish back orders and then second pre orders and then second round orders. WHEN WILL I HAVE A BREAK! I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY IF SOME ONE ELSE ORDERS ONE MORE TINY LITTLE THING MAKING ME WORK EVEN HARDER!!

Hang on, I just got an inbox for my back orders....


~Rhylee Lovat

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


So for 100+ subscribers I am going to be making a series!! I cannot wait! So here are some ideas:

School's Out!

Five kids from different crowds are forced to spend a summer together at a camp. Sidni is the athlete and  the tomboy. Angelina is the cheerleader, Rebecca is the valedictorian, Melody is the band geek and Desiree is the artist. All these girls can't seem to get along but when a disaster strikes the girl's camp, they have to work together to save the camp.

ẞrööklýnñ ẞållerïñås

Adilene comes from a family of mathematicians and lawyers. Sure Abilene loves math, and school, there is something else that she would rather do. She has a passion for ballet. She is a very talented dancer. Abilene attends Brooklyn's School of Performing Arts. The only problem: her parents think she goes to district math club everyday after school. What will she do when her parents find out she has been ditching math club for dance?

I might come up with some more ideas later but for now, message me on YouTube at ocm8productions or comment below what you think I should do! Thanks!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Name changes

Name changes.

Not doll name changes

Names changes about MY name.

I figured that since I am not very "out there" yet, I should go ahead and change my name to Donnie. I will no longer be referring to my self as.... my old name.

I really love ninja turtles and my favorite turtle is Donatello!

My sister rockstar13studios will be going by Mikey now because her favorite turtle is Michelangelo!!!! 

Mini doll Adventurers!

Me, (Kit Mini) Molly Mini and Rebecca Mini all went on a wagon ride on Kit's scooter. We brought our DVD player and all our pillows and our pets. We were riding in it for a while then all of a sudden we tumbled down the hugest hill in the world! I almost fainted! I was so scared! When the scooter stopped tumbling we asked each other if we were all ok. Once we knew no one was hurt, we found out we couldn't make it back up the hill! I checked my bag and found my mini phone in it so I called big Kit. She came in her pink jeep and pulled us and the scooter out of the ditch. Now, I know that we need to watch were we are driving!!!

~Mini Kit

Friday, January 17, 2014

102 Subscribers!

Donnie here! Thank you so much for 100+ subscribers! It really manes a lot to me and my dolls!

Thanks so much!! I love you guys!! :,)


~ocm8productions~ An AGTube Channel

Welcome to ocm8productions! We are just a few dolls, who make videos for all of you to enjoy! Thank you to all our subscribers and i hope you guys enjoy our blog and YouTube. You will read posts from Molly McIntyre, Oliviah Bennett, Madisynn Mathews, Kit Kittredge and the newest addition to the family, April O'Neil